A blog designed to provide financial information, solutions, and alternatives within a highly challenged lending environment.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Does Your Submission Get Attention?

In some instances it's bad to get attention, but, when submitting your funding request you want your submission to stand out - very quickly! Lenders have no shortage of projects to review, so below is a great format to use when submitting your funding request. Since there are so many projects to review, your goal has to be to make your submission stand out very quickly. The format below is geared primarily for real estate, but it can be tailored for other funding requests as well.

Your goal in submitting your funding request is to get the reviewer's attention very quickly, and then support the submission with the appropriate documentation: Client information sheet (CIS), Executive summary, pro-forma's, and all of the other documentation necessary to submit a file that erases all of the possible concern's an underwriter may have. By submitting in this format, you've done the underwriter a favor: you've helped them know what to expect before they even review the submission.

Project Submission Format:

Subject: Funding Request: Insert Name and request info

Project Name: Pretty self explanatory

Property Location: Can be city and/or state, or more specific to begin review process


DEAL (Simplified) – Brief Description of how the transaction is structured, and some of the pertinent details. Two or three sentences would be good.

PURCHASE/Refinance/Monetization: Detail what you are trying to accomplish

THE PROPERTY/Collateral: Brief description of the property and/or collateral for the project:

CURRENT ZONING/ENTITLEMENTS- This detailed how the current project was structured, and how this may change

TAX CREDIT- This details the fact that the tax credits (economic incentives) are included in the project. Enhances the collateral since the tax credits are able to be sold (monetized)

EXIT STRATEGY- This detailed the developers plans for how the debt was going to be retired, and the profit potential for the project.

FUTURE ENTITLEMENTS: In this instance there were future entitlements that needed to occur

FINAL LOTS- Developer was acquiring land, and was going to put lots in place that would lead to a substantial increase in value.

OWNERSHIP HISTORY- Narrative of the owner, and ownership of the project/collateral

APPRAISAL- Substantiated the value

USE OF FUNDS: How funds are to be spent, and timing of same

Attached within zip file

Executive Summary,

Source and Use of Fund


Loan Request

Personal Resume

Copy of Passport

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Commercial Funding Alternatives is a blog based on the knowledge of a number of lenders working to provide viable lending alternatives in a very challenging environment.